Natur’Fine® Prestige

Preparation of specific inactivated yeasts and purified pectolytic enzymes (from Aspergillus niger)

  • Organic
  • NOP
  • Vegan
Natur’Fine<sup>®</sup> Prestige

Natur’Fine® Prestige is a yeast based preparation that helps to clarify white and red wines and improve their organoleptic characteristics by removing undesirable tannins and giving roundness on the palate. When used on red wines, fining with Natur’Fine® Prestige gives good colour stability.

This product is allowed for a use in Organic and NOP according to the current regulations. See certificate.

Linked technical tools

Clarification management

  • Technical booklet

This practical booklet aims to help practitioners to decide on their must and wine clarification.


  • Protocol

This decision making tool helps you to find the right fining solution according to the existing requirements and issues.

Colour management

  • Technical booklet

The colour of a red wine is one of the parameters that determines the consumer’s choice. Many factors play a role in red wines’ colour, and it is therefore crucial to take a broad view.