Tanin gallique
à l’alcool

Gallic tannins

  • Organic
  • Vegan
Tanin gallique <br/>à l’alcool

Tanin gallique à l’alcool’s antioxidant capacity helps to limit SO2 additions and optimise maceration with skins. Its capacity to inhibit laccase activity also makes it an effective aid in the protection against botrytis. Tanin gallique à l’alcool helps to remove reduced notes, and decreases protein instability.

When used during fining, it accelerates the precipitation of excess proteins.

This product is allowed for a use in Organic and NOP according to the current regulations. See certificate.

Linked technical tools

Sulfite free wines
(white and rosé)

  • Technical booklet

The following protocol gives certain solutions proposed by Lamothe-Abiet for the production of sulfite-free white or rosé wines.

Colour management

  • Technical booklet

The colour of a red wine is one of the parameters that determines the consumer’s choice. Many factors play a role in red wines’ colour, and it is therefore crucial to take a broad view.


  • Technical booklet

In this practical booklet, Lamothe-Abiet describes the key steps that should be monitored and the ways to effectively treat grapes contaminated with Botrytis.