Technical tools

Booklets that support you in the daily tasks

The team at Lamothe-Abiet has created a set of technical booklets on specific themes.
From the harvest to preparing wines for bottling, these booklets support you in the daily tasks of wine production.


Wine stabilisation

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This practical booklet presents all of our stabilisation solutions to avoid certain faults and to guarantee optimal conservation of the wine over time.

Tartaric stabilisation
of rosé wines

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This practical booklet brings together all of the alternatives and solutions to best respond to the current issues surrounding tartaric stabilisation for rosé wines.


Acidity management

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This booklet presents some of the solutions available to winemakers to best adjust the acidity of musts and/or wines.

Sulfite free wines
(white and rosé)

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The following protocol gives certain solutions proposed by Lamothe-Abiet for the production of sulfite-free white or rosé wines.


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This practical booklet aims to give information and simple, effective tools for the preventive and curative management of Brettanomyces.

Sparkling booklet – E2F

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With a focus on reaching a defined objective, Lamothe-Abiet gives you all the tools you need to succeed in your sparkling wine production and to guarantee the stability of your wines.


Colour management

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The colour of a red wine is one of the parameters that determines the consumer’s choice.
Many factors play a role in red wines’ colour, and it is therefore crucial to take a broad view.


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Some vintages are characterised by low yields along with grapes that are unevenly ripe. This practical booklet aims to outline the possibilities to best manage this situation.


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In this practical booklet, Lamothe-Abiet describes the key steps that should be monitored and the ways to effectively treat grapes contaminated with Botrytis.

Clarification management

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This practical booklet aims to help practitioners to decide on their must and wine clarification.

AF management

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Guiding the fermentation using precision practices and tools is crucial to avoid microbiological and/or faults.

Low volumes

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Loss of yield due to poor climatic conditions often has several consequences and producers may be faced with low volumes that they must make the most of using an optimal production process.

Tailor-made protocols

To set up trials, resolve a problem, or to obtain a precise wine profile, Lamothe-Abiet offers tailor-made protocols for different steps in winemaking and maturation, helping you to come reach your goals.


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Simplified protocol for alcoholic fermentation restart with Excellence® Finisher

SO2 reduction

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We have selected a range of products to meet the need to limit or eliminate sulfites in wines.

Blanc de Noirs

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Harvesting the fruit – Guidelines for pressing – Depectinisation – Clarification procedure – Alcoholic fermentation start


Lamothe-Abiet brings you its expertise in the aromatic optimisation of thiols and fermentative esters.

red wines freshness

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Protocol: red wines freshness

white and rosé
wines freshness

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Protocol: white an rosé wines freshness

reducing the use of SO2
(red wines)

Protocol: reducing the use of SO2 (red wines)

reducing the use of SO2
(white and rosé wines)

Protocol : reducing the use of SO2 (white and rosé wines)

Webinars on various themes

Our team draws on its enological expertise and strong experience in the field to offer you online conferences.
The idea is simple: to present to you the current updates on certain themes. Each conference lasts about 30 minutes; with a time for our experts to deliver their presentation, followed by a time for exchange and for your questions


Œnosolutions is an innovative app developed to help with the daily decision-making tasks in the cellar. The app has enological calculators which helps to implement the best solutions, depending on the wine’s characteristics and the desired objective.

This app and its virtual assistant helps you with:

  • Active SO2
  • Yeast nutrition
  • Restart of alcoholic fermentation
  • Malolactic fermentation management
  • Choice of enological woods